Germany’s nationality law – significant changes

Gesetz, © Colourbox
On 27 June 2024, the Act to Modernise Nationality Law entered into force. It is now easier to acquire other nationalities in addition to one’s German nationality.
As of 27 June 2024, German nationals may apply for any foreign nationality without relinquishing their German nationality. It is therefore no longer necessary to seek permission to retain a nationality.
Persons having acquired several nationalities by being born in Germany (i.e., by jus soli) must no longer decide between their German and the other nationality. There is no longer an obligation to opt out of one nationality.
Furthermore, persons can now be naturalised after having lived in Germany for five years, as opposed to the previous eight years.
The Act’s provisions are not retroactive regarding events prior to 27 June 2024. Previous provisions related to acquisition and relinquishment continue to apply to such “legacy” cases.
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