Why learn German?

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Information for people who want to take a front seat in the twenty-first century
“Learning by Ear” by Deutsche Welle
Education is the key to Africa's development. “Learning by Ear”, Deutsche Welle's new multimedia distance-learning radio programme, brings knowledge to every corner of the continent. The Learning by Ear programme examines the challenges that young Africans face and engages listeners in an informative and entertaining way. Programmes are produced by African authors from across the continent, supported by dedicated Deutsche Welle staff and are available in six languages: English, Kiswahili, French, Hausa, Portuguese and Amharic. Learning by Ear is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The Goethe Institute Addis Ababa (German Cultural Institute) offers language courses for adults on the Campus of the University of Addis Ababa.
Children may visit the German Embassy School Addis Ababa and learn German.
School and Youth Exchange
You will find information on school and youth exchange on the websites of the Kultusministerkonferenz, Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) (“Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the States of Germany, Paedagogical Exchange Service”)
and the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB)
Studying in Germany - A good Choice!
If you’re looking to study or research abroad, why not come to Germany, Land of Ideas? Higher education in Germany stands for numerous innovations, increasing internationality and strong support for cutting-edge research. Many degree programmes have already been converted into internationally recognised bachelor’s and master’s as part of the Bologna Process, and the trend is continuing. Among them are a large number of joint programmes run in collaboration with universities in other countries, as well as more than 1,000 programmes offered in English that take an international approach and are aimed particularly at international students. And the benefits of German universities don’t stop there: you’ll find quality service, good support and no tuition fees.
A varied higher education landscape
Prospective students will find high-quality programmes all over Germany that will cater for their particular interests and needs. Our 423 institutes of higher education, including universities and colleges of applied sciences, fine arts, education, theology and public administration, offer a huge choice of subjects and degree courses. There’s something for everyone in the complete spectrum of disciplines: languages, media studies, cultural studies, law, economics, the social sciences, art, music, theatre, design, medicine, agriculture, forestry, home economics and nutrition science. For every interest, you’ll find a corresponding course. Use the selection assistant to help you choose:
Study in Germany Land of Ideas
Many scholarships available
When it comes to organising and funding a period of study or research in Germany, your most important point of contact is the German Academic Exchange Service. Better known by its German acronym, DAAD, it is the world’s biggest funding organisation for international exchanges among students and academic staff. In 2013, the DAAD provided funds for more than 50,000 foreign undergraduates, PhD students and teaching staff. There is a vast array of funding programmes that can provide the effective, tailored help that prospective exchange candidates need to embark on a stay in Germany. This might be a classic PhD scholarship, a grant for a relatively short research visit or a scholarship for a year, a semester or just a brief stay. A number of foundations in Germany also award scholarships. Beneficiaries are selected in line with the foundations’ own criteria and specific remits.
Doctoral students and other academics or scientists interested in university research at the highest level will find those German universities particularly relevant that have been successful in the Excellence Initiative. Forty-five graduate schools, forty-three clusters of excellence and eleven universities’ institutional strategies secured the five years of funding attached to that recognition in 2012.
Further information is available here:
Which Language Certificates can be accepted for the visa procedure? For the visa procedure, language certificates can only be accepted as proof of German language skills if they are based on a…